RSVP RSVP Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.您的姓名 Your Name *您会来吗? Will you be able to come? *会! Yes!很抱歉无法前来。Sorry I cannot attend.Email *您的随行嘉宾(以便我们安排晚宴座位)。Your guest list (for seating at the dinner table).如果您单独前来,可以空出这一栏。 You can skip this question if you are the only one coming.是否有特殊的饮食需求?Any dietary restrictions?没有。No.素食。 Vegetarian.其他。Other其他特殊饮食需求。Other dietary restrictions欢迎留下任何想对我们说的话。Please leave anything here.Submit Back